My journey into web-dev
Hey, this is my first blog and I wanted to start with how I got into coding. So currently I'm a first year engineering undergrad pursuing Electronics and Telecommunication engineering. Nah, I only wanted to study CSE but I wanted a decent college and a decent branch both. I have had Java in my 12th grade as the optional paper and I thoroughly enjoyed it as well. I stumbled upon Tanay Bhaiya's youtube channel and my sister who herself is a alumna pushed me into completing the mark15 assignments. Although a beginner in web development , I have actually started enjoying the process of building things up and that's pretty much why I love taking out the time despite my exams going on every now and then. For the starters, I did all the videos from level 0 of Tanay's Youtube Channel. Then I started looking for some free resources from Youtube for github and hosting and came across few codeWithHarry videos as well. I would love to dive deep into the world of web development and learn as much as I can. Would be real nice to start early in the first year of college. Currently I'm also reading which I feel is a very good fundamental to Javascript.